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Jesse E. Adams, Sr. Named Crescens Lodge Volunteer of Year The Castle Hall
of Crescens Lodge #33, New Castle, was bedecked in the colors of the Order
as the Officers, Members and guests gathered Saturday evening, March 12th,
which saw Lodge Trustee Sir Knight Jesse E. Adams, Sr. recognized with the
2nd Annual Volunteer of the Year Award under the setting of a dinner/dance
format. Manager Adams
roamed the audience, adding to the excitement, before selecting her
Grandfather, Sir Knight Jesse E. Adams, Sr. out of the crowd. Sir Knight
Adams was brought forward and placed in the chair of honor. His Lady,
Margaret…a PC of the Pythian Sisters, was escorted to his side and was
presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This was a gift from
Crescens Lodge to show the lodge’s gratitude for her support on the nights
when Sir Knights Adams was attending lodge or doing other volunteer work
for the lodge. Even as far as today I have never once heard you gripe or complain about serving or the injuries you received while serving. That is being a true volunteer!! Oh course the work has not always involved the lodge, although that is what we are honoring you for tonight. It probably started with our end of the family about 28 years ago on a cold day in December. When a little baby girl came home from the hospital. From then on out you “volunteered” much of your time to teach many different things to that little girl and of course her 2 other siblings. From overnight parties with a bounce down the green couch to a push in the drive with a broom on the little cart or a ride on a two wheel cart. You spent countless hours instilling values and lessons into us. And of course who would ever forget snow days with hot cocoa or the bike lesson that ended in the pussy willow tree. But as I grew more things came into play like going to the sales and of course the faith that “there would always be room for me.” And again things changed. The firework stand became a major production. From the shoot one party to the July 5th cookout party, your house became the “hubstation.” You and gm both volunteered many, many hours of time to host two parties and to help run and keep running the stand. From the countless hours of opening, closing and sitting counting cars plus numerous weather and food runs over there. How could you ever be repaid? Along came the vacating of Mr. Steve’s and all the hours you have put into the store to make it what it is today. Between all of this we think about the times of fixing up the kitchen upstairs and painting of the building from top to bottom. And lately as you have been busy again in the kitchen. We think also of the times of you volunteering with the VFW and the meals on wheels or with your church. I am sure that the little old ladies that you brought lunch to were just touched by you bringing them a meal. We work down through a year and can think of so much that you do for us and the lodge. Christmas rolls around and again you and grandma open your house to parade day activities. A constant flurry of people in and out and of course a meal of sandwiches and potato soup!! I think of how this has effected me over the years and see one thing….it is in our blood. You and grandma both give so much time and effort to many different things. You raised a son who later became my father who gives so much of his time and energy back to others and his community. That blood has been passed down now to your grandchildren who by your example try to better the world by helping others. I think of the motto about how beautiful the world would be if we were bound by helping and loving others. You lead by example and what a great one you have been. You should be very proud not only of your accomplishments but also of passing them on. I am so proud of you and to be here with you for this. You deserve it greatly. Love Jodi The evening
closed with GREAT Pythian fellowship, card playing, game playing, dancing
and enjoying the music of our DJ, Brother Karl Gregg of Orestes Lodge
#471. We are already looking forward to next year!! And, who knows, with
the fun that we had, maybe more parties are in store for the members and
guests of Crescens Lodge and Venus Temple! Sure hope so! |